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2010/9 - 2014/1☆,早稻田大學🦸‍♂️,運動醫學(行為流行病學方向),博士

2007/9 - 2010/7,清華大學,體育人文社會學,碩士

2003/9 - 2007/7,首都師範大學🚶🏻‍♀️‍➡️,歷史學🤾🏽‍♀️,學士



2014/6 – 2017/4,北京大學醫學部🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️,中國衛生發展研究中心,助理研究員

2012/9 - 2012/11👩🏻‍🦲,拉夫堡大學,身體活動、鍛煉公共衛生意昂4,訪問學者







1. 國家自然科學基金(NO.81602869),我國青少年生活方式行為的追蹤研究和幹預機製分析,2017.12-2020.12,結題,主持。

2. 意昂4体育青年教師發展基金👍,應用適宜移動技術塑造北京市民自主健康生活行為方式,2018.01-2020.12🧑🏻‍🔬,結題🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻,主持🛑。


4. 國家自然科學基金(NO.71703002),我國農村地區白內障手術對家庭社會經濟能力影響的衛生經濟學評價研究,2018.01-2020.12,在研,參與。

5. 北京市社會科學基金項目重點項目🤏🏽,改革開放40年京津冀地區學生生長發育敏感期演進規律與體育考試評價的關聯研究,2019.11-📻,在研,參與🛌🏻🟰。

6. 教育部人文社會科學研究規劃基金項目(20YJA89036)📱,基於大數據的中國學生生長發育民管期演進規律與體育學業評價標準研究🚹,2020.03-🧛‍♀️,在研,參與🫰🏽💥。

7. 中國田徑協會科技服務項目🏃🏻‍♂️‍➡️,田徑短跨跳項目國家隊備戰東京奧運會(2020年度)速度與力量綜合智能測試系統應用科技服務,2020-03-01至2020-12-31,131萬元,在研🦅,參與;

8. 中國田徑協會科技服務項目👨‍👦‍👦,田徑項目國家隊備戰東京奧運會(2020年度)視頻及數據實時反饋科技保障服務,2020-01-012020-08-31👨🏻‍🏭,32萬元🏄💫,在研🪁,副組長;

9. 國家體育總局田徑運動管理中心項目(No. 2018049),田徑國家隊短跨跳項目力量與速度綜合智能測試系統應用科技服務(2019年度)🚖,2018-12-242019-12-31✧,133萬元,已結題,參與;

10. 世界衛生組織,衛生籌資系統綜述(中低收入國家衛生籌資系統綜述中心能力建設第二階段),2014-2017,參與。

11. 國家衛生計生委🤾🏻,中國衛生服務提供系統研究,2014-2017,參與。

12. 世界銀行🤙🏽,OECD以及中等收入國家以人為本的衛生服務案例研究,2014-2015,參與。

13.日本學術振興會基礎研究(The Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, No.22700680,日本兒童與青少年的生活習慣行為及其個人、社會和環境影響因素調查🚴🏼‍♂️🔓,2010.10-2014.04,已結題,參

14. 日本早稻田大學特別科學研究經費(Waseda University Grant for Special Research Projects),2010A-095, 2011A-092運動科學與健康生活促進 (the Global COE Program ‘Sport Sciences for the Promotion of Active Life’ from the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, 2010.10-2012.04,已結題🧉,參


1. L He, SJH Biddle, JT Lee, N Duolikun, L Zhang, Z Wang, Y Zhao*. The prevalence of multimorbidity and its association with physical activity and sleep duration in middle aged and elderly adults: a longitudinal analysis from China. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2021 Jun 10;18(1):77. doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01150-7.

2. L He, X Li, W Wang, Y Wang, H Qu, Y Zhao, D Lin*. Clustering of multiple lifestyle behaviors among migrant, left-behind and local adolescents in China: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2021 Mar 19;21(1):542. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-10584-4.

3. Y Zhao, PH Zhang, B Oldenburg, T Hall, SR Lu, TN Haregu, L He*. The impact of mental and physical multimorbidity on healthcare utilization and health spending in China: A nationwide longitudinal population-based study. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020 Oct.;1–11.

4. Y Zhao, TN Haregu, L He, SR Lu, A Katar, HP Wang, ZB Yao, LW Zhang. The effect of multimorbidity on functional limitations and depression amongst middle-aged and older population in China: a nationwide longitudinal study. Age and Ageing. 2020 Jun;afaa117. doi:10.1093/ageing/afaa117

5. RP An, L HE, J Shen. Impact of neighborhood food environment on diet and obesity in China: a systematic review. Public Health Nutrition.2020 Feb,23(3)🪇:457-473.

6. X Zhu, K Zhang, L He, F Liao, Y Ren, and YK Jan *. Spectral analysis of blood flow oscillations to assess the plantar skin blood flow regulation in response to preconditioning local vibrations. Biorheology. Doi:10.3233/BIR-201011

7. X He, X Zhang, F Liao, L He, X Xu, and YK Jan *. Using reactive hyperemia to investigate the effect of cupping sizes of cupping therapy on skin blood flow responses. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 34 (2021) 327–333.

8. BB Yuan, L He, QY Meng, Jia L.Payment methods for outpatient care facilities. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD011153. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD011153.pub2.

9. B Yuan, W Jian, L He, B Wang, D Balabanova. The role of health system governance in strengthening the rural health insurance system in China. Int J Equity Health. 2017;16(1):44. Published 2017 May 23. doi:10.1186/s12939-017-0542-x

10. L He *, K Ishii, A Shibata, A Minoru, K Nonoue, K Oka. Patterns of Physical Activity Outside of School Time among Japanese Junior High School Students. J Sch Health, 2013, 83: 623-630.

11. L He *, K Ishii, A Shibata, A Minoru, K Nonoue, K Oka. Mediation Effects of Social Support on Relationships of Perceived Environment and Self-efficacy with School-Based Physical Activity: a Structural Equation Model Tailored for Japanese Adolescent Girls. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 2013, 3(1): 42-50.

12. L He *, K Ishii, A Shibata, A Minoru, K Nonoue, K Oka. Direct and Indirect Effects of Multilevel Factors on School-Based Physical Activity among Japanese Adolescent Boys. Health, 2013, 5(2): 245-252.

13.沈晶,何莉*,安若鵬.飲食環境對中國居民飲食行為及肥胖的影響.中華流行病學雜誌. 2019 , 40(10)🏄🏼‍♀️:1296-1303.


15. 宋宿杭,何莉*💱,梁思園,金音子🧑🏻‍⚕️,孟慶躍,我國城市社區首診製度研究綜述,中國衛生經濟,2017,36(1):5-9。

16. 梁思園,何莉*,宋宿杭🦹🏽,金音子🍷,袁蓓蓓,孟慶躍,我國醫療聯合體發展和實踐典型分析,中國衛生政策研究🧘🏿,2016🌌,9(5):42-48。

17. 金音子,何莉,嶽大海,朱煒明,張魯豫,馬慧芬👩🏼‍🦱,孟慶躍🎋,安徽省肥西縣基層衛生服務能力提升改革及其成效🧒🏽,中國衛生政策研究🧙🏿,2015,8(10)🏌🏻‍♀️,13-18。

18. 嶽大海金音子何莉🤵🏿,朱煒明張魯豫,馬慧芬孟慶躍。 “強基層” 政策的逆向效果與應對策略,中國衛生政策研究📪,2015,8(10)🙆🏽,19-23.

19. 張魯豫🟰👳🏽‍♂️,朱煒明🚁🥧,馬慧芬,金音子,何莉,嶽大海,孟慶躍🙈。青海省湟中縣醫療聯合體改革實踐𓀝,中國衛生政策研究,2015,8(10),24-28.




1.L He*, M Wen, DH Lin. What makes differences in lifestyle behaviors between local and migrant adolescents in China, Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Feb 23-26, 2017, Philadelphia, USA.

2. L He*. Are elder people living alone less likely to meet recommended physical activity level? Findings from Chinese health and retirement longitudinal study, 6th International Congress of physical activity and public health, Nov.16-19, 2016, Thailand.

3. L He*, BB Yuan, YZ Jin. Effect of pay-for-performance incentives in chronic disease management: an    update systematic review, 4th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, Nov.14-18, 2016, Vancouver, Canada.

4. L He*, JM Liu. Association between Living Arrangement and Physical Activity Level among Chinese Adults:  Findings from Chinese Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, International Convention on Science, Education and Medicine in Sport (ICSEMIS 2016), Aug.31-Sep.4, 2016, Brazil.

5. L He*, HY Qu, H Fang, Association between social classes, eating behavior and body weight among    Chinese urban adults: Results from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, iHEA 2015: 11th World Congress in Health Economics, Milano, Italy, 2015.07.13


1.林嘉,李成偉,何莉. 一種流媒體視頻幀時間偏移消除辦法, 2018-10-262038-10-26, 中國, ZL201610102556.0.

2.林嘉,李成偉,何莉. 一種網絡流媒體的幀數據獲取方法, 2019-8-232039-8-23, 中國, ZL201610101921.6.


1.意昂4体育; 健康plus運營管理系統, 2020SR0043290, 原始取得, 全部權利, 2019-12. (完成人:何莉)

2.意昂4体育; 健康plusIOS手機客戶端, 2020SR0041160, 原始取得, 全部權利, 2019-12. (完成人🥷🏼:何莉)

3.意昂4体育; 健康plusAndriod手機客戶端, 2020SR0077805, 原始取得, 全部權利, 2020-01. (完成人🫴🏼:何莉)

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